Nova Vyzhva

Kovel district, Volyn region

- Jewish encyclopedia of Brockhaus & Efron;
- Russian Jewish encyclopedia;
- Yad Vashem. Murder story of Wyzwa Nowa Jews in the Czewel Forest;
- The All South-Western Territory: reference and address book of the Kyiv, Podolsk and Volyn provinces. Printing house L.M. Fish and P.E. Wolfson, 1913.

- European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative. Nova Vyzhva Jewish Cemetery;
- Vitaliy Fedorenko, Wikipedia. Monument to the Jews executed by nazis in Nova Vyzhva
Founded in 1508. From 1795 - as part of the Russian Empire. In the 19th - beginning of the 20th century - the township Vyzhva of Kovel district of the Volyn province.

In 1784, about 30 Jews lived in Vyzhva,
in 1790 - 42,
in 1870 - 720 (47,8%),
in 1897 - 500 (app. 20,2%),
In 1921 - 358 Jews (18,1%).

The first mention of Jews in Nova Vyzhva dates to the 16th century. According to the letter given to Jews by the queen Bona and confirmed by the Sigismund August in 1547, they paid all the duties along with the townspeople and used the benefits provided by the latter: during the burgomaster elections, 2 Jews were present.

In the 17th century Jews received an extensive letter from the Kovel elder Christopher Opalinsky, confirmed in 1644 by King Vladislav IV: they were allowed to own the synagogue, cemetery and meat shops, as well as build a hospital and a bathhouse; they had the right to settle on empty areas (with the condition of not buying houses from Christians), making wine, cooking beer and trading all kinds of goods with the exception of wet, bloodied and church objects.

The cases between a Jew and a non -Jew were judged by the town court in the presence of two elders of the Jews; Jews are freed from corvee, and the house of Rabbi ("Doktora"), cantor and synagogue employee - from taxes.

In the 1st half of the 18th century, the number of the Jewish population was reduced due to hostilities.

Until 1764, the Vyzhva community was part of the Jewish community of Kovel.
In 1789, 11 Jewish houses and 3 taverns belonging to Jews, were in Vyzhva.

In the 19th century the synagogue acted; Jews belonged to 3 mills. Most Jews were artisans - shoemakers, tailors, carpenters and tinsmans. A small number of Jews were engaged in trade.

In 1920, a pogrom occurred in Vyzhva, during which the Jewish houses were defeated. Some of the Jews left the town.

In the 1920-30s, branches of various Jewish parties and organizations acted in Vyzhva.

June 27, 1941 Vyzhva occupied by German troops. On August 5, 1941, 260 Jews were shot. In the summer of 1942, a ghetto was created, destroyed at the end of August 1942.

According to one testimony, on August 22, on the eve of the liquidation of the ghetto, its inmates set many buildings on fire to distract the Ukrainian auxiliary policemen who were guarding the ghetto and to run away. Several dozen succeeded in escaping, but they were later caught by Ukrainian auxiliary policemen and shot to death. The next day the remaining Jews of the town were shot to death in the forest near Czewel village, apparently by a German unit.
Jewish cemetery, 2019 Tombstone on the cemetery, 2019 Monument to the 70 Jews from Nova Vyzhva, 2016
Jewish cemetery, 2019 Tombstone on the cemetery, 2019 Monument to the 70 Jews from Nova Vyzhva, 2016

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