- Jewish encyclopedia of Brockhaus & Efron;
- Russian Jewish encyclopedia;
- The All South-Western Territory: reference and address book of the Kyiv, Podolsk and Volyn provinces. Printing house L.M. Fish and P.E. Wolfson, 1913;
- European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative. Kysylyn Jewish Cemetery;
- Yahad - in Unum. Kysylyn
- Tomek Wisniewski. Wooden Tombstones from Jewish Cemeteries in Eastern Europe
- Tomek Wisniewski, Bagnowka. Kisielin
In the 16-18 centuries in the Commonwealth. From 1795 - as part of the Russian Empire. In the 19th - beginning of the 20th century - the township of Vladimir-Volynsk district of the Volyn province. In 1919–39 - in the Volyn Voivodeship as part of Poland, in 1939–91 - as part of the Ukrainian SSR.
In 1784, 87 Jews lived in Kysylyn,
in 1790 - 136,
in 1897 - 873 (98%),
in 1921 - 94 Jews (20,5% of total population).
The exact date of the first Jewish settlement in Kysylyn is unknown, but their community was subordinate to that of Ludmir (Volodymyr-Volyns’kyy) in the 17th century.
Since 1897, the rabbi in Kysylyn was Aron-Zeev Wulf (1861-?), after him - Aron-Mordkhe Sokhachevsky.
In 19th - beginning of the 20th century Jews were engaged in crafts and trade.
In 1913, Jews owned a pharmacy warehouse, a tavern and 24 shops (including 9 grocery, 3 manufactory).
Kysylyn in the 1913 directory |
Volodymyr district, Volyn region
Jewish cemetery in Kysylyn, 1917 |
Jewish cemetery in Kysylyn, 2019 |
Ttombstone in Jewish cemetery in Kysylyn, 2019 |
The former township was occupied by Germans at the end of June 1941. The first anti-Jewish actions started at the end of summer beginning of autumn 1941. All Jews were forced to wear distinguishing badges. They were subjected to force labor, assaults and robbery.
First 48 Jews were executed on August 19, 1941 on the outskirts of the village.
From the first days of November, 1941 a closed ghetto was established. On August 12, 1942, it was liquidated, and more than 500 Jews from Kysylyn, Ozyutychi, Kholopychi and other surrounding villages were murdered here.
Jewish cemetery with wooden tombstones in Kysylyn, 1917 |
Tobi, daughter of Moshe, died in 1913. Painted grave done by E. Fiedorowicz using computer tools |
Hannah, daughter of Mordechai, died in 1880 |
Rivka Leah, daughter of Reuven, died in 1902 |