- Russian Jewish encyclopedia. Translated from Russian by Eugene Snaider
- European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative. Verenchanka Jewish Cemetery
Verenchanka (ukr. Веренчанка), known since 1589. In the 16-18 centuries in Moldavian principality. In the 19 - beggining of the 20 centuries - in the province of Bukovina as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1918-40 - as part of Romania, in 1940-91 - as part of Ukrainian SSR.
At the beginning of the 20th century, approx. 100 Jews lived in Verenchanka,
in 1940 - 94 Jews.
The Jewish community existed in Verenchanka since the middle of the 18th century. The basis of the community was immigrants from Moldova and Galicia. The main employment is agriculture, trade, crafts.
In 1909, the Zionist-religious Society "Bney Zion" was created in Verenchanka.
In 1941-43, most Jews of Verenchanka died in the Chernivtsi ghetto and in Transnistria camps.
Jewish cemetery in Verenchanka, 2019 |
Chernivtsi district, Chernivtsi region