
Palace of Badeni, 2013
Palace of Badeni, 2013

Chortkiv district, Ternopil region

Koropets (ukr. Коропець) founded in 1421. In the 16–18 centuries - as part of the Commonwealth. In 19 - beginning 20th century - in the province of Galicia in Austria-Hungary. In 1919–39 - in the Tarnopol Voivodeship as part of Poland, in 1939–91 - as part of the Ukrainian SSR.

In 1820, 68 Jews lived in Koropets (3.9%),
in 1880 - 140 (3.3%),
in 1900 - 295 (5.5%),
in 1921 - 176 (3.7%),
in 1939 - in 1939 - 240 Jews (3.5%).

Jews lived in Koropets from the 1st half of the 17th century. The main affairs are trade and crafts.
In 19th century Jews owned a pharmacy, 3 taverns, 5 stores, rented 2 mills.

2 synagogues acted in town.
In 1886–1907, the rabbi was the chaim-brow of Gokhberg, since 1907-his son-in-law Chaim-Arya Alistat.

In 1909, natives of Koropets in the United States created community.

In 1916, 16 Jews were sent from Koropets to Tarnopol (modern Ternopil).

In 1920-30 in Koropts, there were branches of various Jewish parties and organizations.
In 1930s the rabbi in Koropets was Avrom Haim Tetelboym.

After the occupation by Wehrmacht in the summer of 1941, Judenrat, led by Benzion Miler, was established in Koropets.
In March 24, 1942 Jews from Koropets were sent to Monastyryska and on October. 1942, together with local Jews - in Buchach.

After the liberation of Koropts in March 1944, about 10 Jews remained in the village.
Jewish cemetery, 2019
Jewish cemetery, 2019
At the beginning of the XIX century, the Myslovsky family (the owners of the town at that time) built a palace in Koropets. In 1893, the Koropetets turned into the ownership of Marshal Sejm, Count Stanislav Marcin Badeni. Stanislav immediately began the restructuring of the castle in the family residence. The new palace was built in the style of the Vienna Renaissance in 1906, and today it is a real architectural pearl of Galicia.
- Russian Jewish encyclopedia

- Eugene Shnayder
- European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative. Koropets Jewish Cemetery

Jewish Religious community of Zhmerinka
Ukraine, 23100, alley Khlibniy, 2
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Jewish towns of Ukraine
Jewish towns of Ukraine
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